Better together: Robovision and HUPICO join forces

10 June 2024

Robovision and HUPICO announced their new partnership at the Dutch Vision, Robotics & Motion trade fair on 5 and 6 June 2024.

Better together: Robovision en HUPICO bundelen de krachten

A specialist in Vision AI, Ghent-based company Robovision recently raised $42 million to accelerate its growth. Robovision, still Scale Up of the Year in 2020, is now also closing a new partnership with HUPICO. 

Their advanced platform uses artificial intelligence to analyse and interpret visual data, which has a huge impact on our robotics solutions.

By integrating this technology, EPSON robots can work much more accurately and efficiently, making production processes faster and with fewer errors.

"Smaller batches in production, more customisation options, less waste: manufacturers demand solutions that require the implementation of new technologies such as Vision AI. With the Robovision platform, we can offer our customers a solution that has proven itself in industrial environments." - Johan Paul, Managing Director at HUPICO.

"By adding our platform to their solutions, HUPICO is taking a leap in automation to the next level. We save them and their customers time and HR headaches because they don't have to develop customised AI solutions themselves.In turn, we gain access to their existing customer base.’ says Roald Leijnen, Head of Sales at Robovision.

With a history of 30 years(!), HUPICO is a household name in industrial automation.With a focus on robotics, flexible input systems and traditional computer vision, we have built a strong reputation in the Benelux and France.

Today, we are taking the next step in automation by adding the Robovision platform to our offering.

Robovision & HUPICO


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